Blocks are the basic elements of loongdoc documents. The entire loongdoc document can be viewed as a stacked block.
loongdoc grammar rules
Symbol | Meaning |
::= |
define a rule |
::+ |
extend a rule |
<rule> |
rule |
"text" |
string literal |
text |
rule |
{} |
repeat zero or more |
[] |
optional |
/regex/ |
regex |
| |
choice |
document :== { block }
block :== section_block
section_block :== {[block_title, block_attr]} block_body
block_title :== /^./+line
block_attr :== /^\[/ {/[^\]]/, '\]'} ']'
block_body :== document_attr
| admonition
| open_block
| pass_block
| quotes_block
| paragraph
admonition :== admonition_type ":" /\s+/ line
admonition_type :== "NOTE" | "TIP" | "IMPORTANT" | "CAUTION" | "WARNING"
open_block :== open_block_marker { line } open_block_marker
open_block_marker :== /^\-\-/
pass_block :== pass_block_marker { line } pass_block_marker
pass_block_marker := /^\+\+\+\+/
quotes_block :== quotes_block_marker { line } quotes_block_marker
quotes_block_marker := /^____/
paragraph :== line { line }
document title
block ::+ document_title
document_title :== title0 [(author_line reversion_line)] { document_attr }
title0 :== /^#/ line
author_line :== author { ";" author }
author :== first_name [middle_name] [last_name]
reversion_line :== revnumber "," revdate ":" revremark
revnumber :== _revnumber { _revnumber }
_revnumber :== /[^,]/ | "\,"
revdate :== _revdate { _revdate }
_revdate :== /^:/ | "\:"
revremark :== /[^\r\n]+/
document_attr :== attr { attr }
attr :== /^:/ identifier ':' /\s*/ line
block macro
block_body ::+ block_macro
block_macro :== /^<identifier>/ '::' [macro_target] '[' [macro_attr] ']'
macro_target :== _macro_target { _macro_target }
_macro_target :== /[^\[]/ | "\["
macro_attr :== _macro_attr { _macro_attr }
_macro_attr :== /[^\]]/ | "\\]"
block_body ::+ table
table :== table_marker { table_cell | ntable } table_marker
table_marker :== /^|===/
table_cell :== table_cell_attr+"|" table_cell_content
table_cell_attr :== table_cell_attr_char { table_cell_attr_char }
table_cell_attr_char :== "^" | "_" | /\d+/ | /\w/ | "<" | ">" | "." | "~"
ntable :== ntable_marker { ntable_cell } ntable_marker
ntable_marker :== "!==="
ntable_cell :== table_cell_attr+"!" table_cell_content
block_body ::+ list
list :== list_marker /\s/ line
list_marker :== ordered_list_marker
| unordered_list_marker
| checked_list_marker
ordered_list_marker :== "." | /\d+/ | /[a-z]+/
unordered_list_marker :== "*" | "-"
checked_list_marker :== unordered_list_marker "[" checked_list_status "]"
checked_list_status :== " " | "x" | "*"
block_body ::+ line_comment
| block_comment
line_comment :== /^\/\// line
block_comment :== block_comment_marker { line } block_comment_marker
block_comment_marker :== /^\/\/\/\//
block_body ::+ delimited_block
delimited_block :== delimited_block_marker { delimited_block_body } delimited_block_marker
delimited_block_marker :== /^====/
delimited_block_body :== section_block
block_body ::+ breaks
breaks :== breaks_star
| breaks_dash
| breaks_quote
| breaks_angle
breaks_star :== /^*/ "*" "*" "*"
breaks_dash :== /^-/ "-" "-" "-"
breaks_quote :== /^'/ "'" "'" "'"
breaks_angle :== /^</ "<" "<" "<"
listing block
block_body ::+ listing_block
listing_block :== listing_block_marker { line | anno_marker } listing_block_marker [ anno_list ]
listing_block_marker :== /^\-\-\-\-/
anno_marker :== [ anno_marker_prefix ] /\s+/ anno_marker_body [ "-->" ]
anno_marker_prefix :== "//" | "#" | "<!--" | ";;"
anno_marker_body :== "<.>"
| "<" /\d+/ ">"
anno_list :== { anno_list_item }
anno_list_item :== anno_list_marker /\s+/ line
anno_list_marker :== "<.>"
literal block
block_body ::+ literal_block
| ident_block
literal_block :== literal_block_marker { line | anno_marker } literal_block_marker [ anno_list ]
literal_block_marker :== /^\.\.\.\./
block_body ::+ description_list
description_list :== description_item { description_item }
description_item :== description_term description_marker description_sep { line }
description_term :== /[^:;]+/
description_marker :== "::" | ":::" | "::::" | ";;"
description_sep :== " " | /\r?\n/